Not gonna lie, it's gonna get weird
Published: Mon, 01/06/14
I'm going to do something a bit off the wall today.
I don't mean to freak you out.
If you've read any of the past few e-mails to you, you know that
I am planning a quarterly publication called "Frac Sand
I know that because you joined my e-mail list, you must be one of
the smartest people in the world!
So, I'd like to toss the playoff football to you and get your
feedback today.
Please reply to this e-mail and put an 'X' in the boxes below that
apply to what you would like to see in a hard copy frac sand
periodical that arrives via snail mail.
Then send the e-mail right back to me.
Your feedback will help shape the product!
Check one or the other:
[ ] Do a quarterly periodical about frac sand
[ ] Do a lower priced MONTHLY periodical about frac sand
What would you like to see in the periodical (check all that apply):
[ ] Frac sand news
[ ] Stories from people that went and found frac sand, and took it
to market
[ ] Interviews with companies that do fracturing and buy sand
[ ] Interviews with frac sand mining companies
[ ] Frac sand prices
[ ] Map of frac sand projects in the US and world
[ ] Info about other minerals and products used for hydraulic
fracturing (ie barite, guar gum, etc.)
[ ] Listing of frac sand mines/deposits for sale
Any other comments or info you would like to see in this frac sand
periodical (just type out your comment or criticism):
Thanks ahead of time for the response, and trust me when I say that
your response will definitely help me to create this new product.