What will be your verse?

Published: Fri, 01/24/14

During the championship football games on Sunday, there were
several commercials that the networks played over and over again.

Some of them, I could have done without, like where "the
guv-a-nah" Arnold stretched out before a ping pong game.

There was one great ad, however.

The one that caught my eye was a really well done commercial by

You can watch it at the Apple website here:

Did it inspire you?

I did a bit o' research, and found that the spoken words are
from Robin Williams in the Dead Poets Society movie from the late

He is reading and interpreting a poem from Walt Whitman. Using it
to inspire his classroom of male students.

The powerful portion of the prose was this, referring to life as a
glorious play:
"That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a
- from "O Me! O Life" by Walt Whitman

Interesting thought, isn't it?

That life is a play, and we can contribute a verse to it.

I did a recent interview with a gent named Josh Rodriguez for the
February edition of Frac Sand Fortunes.

You can subscribe - o' by the way - to my (expensive) monthly
newsletter Frac Sand Fortunes here:

Josh has certainly contributed a verse.

He created a business, Major Industries, out of thin air using his
hard work and determination.

Started at his kitchen table with a cup of coffee and a cell phone.
Fully charged battery.

Now he has a business with exclusive rights to distribute frac sand
from a mine in Wisconsin. He is actively growing it into a force
to be reckoned with.

And he told me exactly how he did it.

This interview with Josh is raw, hardcore, step-by-step
frac sand biz info, and it's one of the most informative
interviews that I've ever taken part in.

I'm still writing my verse for the play of life.

How about you?

What will your verse be?