Long live the Explorers
Published: Wed, 06/25/14
are Lewis and Clark.
They worked for President Thomas Jefferson and explored the land
purchased from France, the new Western United States.
Signs abound across Montana, showing the Lewis and Clark Trail.
Main roads in Montana follow the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers,
which Lewis and Clark used to explore this region.
We have towns, cities, counties, and streets named after them (and
Jefferson for that matter): Lewistown, Lewis and Clark County,
Jefferson City, Jefferson County, Lewis and Clark National Forest,
just to name a few.
Some people take their families on float and camping trips designed
around reliving some of the Lewis and Clark expedition. They read
from the Lewis and Clark's journals at night.
I'd like to do that sometime with my family.
Lately I've been exploring new ways to better serve the
explorers in our industry.
Frac sand is my first love (in minerals ;^) and we will be testing
frac sand and proppants for a long time to come.
However, explorers of all metals and minerals need a good lab to
get them results on a budget, with good ol' fashioned customer
So we're expanding the business lines -- more to come, but we
now offer the following today and will keep expanding:
- Frac sand and man made proppants
- Drilling grade barite
- Rare earth metals
- Gold
- Silver
- Molybdenum
- X-Ray Diffraction testing (XRD)
- Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) testing
- Much more to come...
So I'm designing my business to better serve the metals and
minerals explorer.
Maybe that's you.
Maybe you are the next "Lewis and Clark" of minerals and
Perhaps they will name a street, hill, or *mine* after you someday
Get started by working with us to get that ore tested. Put our
expensive equipment to work for you.
Give me a call, reply to this e-mail, or go here: