The Hunger Games of business
Published: Tue, 07/08/14
I recently read the Hunger Games book (yes, I know a bit behind thecrowd).Still haven't watched the movie (again, behind the crowd by asequel).Any-…
E-mails from Global Energy Laboratories
Published: Tue, 07/08/14
I recently read the Hunger Games book (yes, I know a bit behind thecrowd).Still haven't watched the movie (again, behind the crowd by asequel).Any-…
Published: Wed, 06/25/14
Living in Montana, the most famous e plorers known in this regionare Lewis and Clark.They worked for President Thomas Jefferson and e plored the…
Published: Wed, 06/11/14
My wife was on the phone yesterday, trying to fi an issue withVerizon wireless, our cell phone provider.They sent her a shiny new phone, but she was…
Published: Fri, 06/06/14
Today is the 70th anniversary of D-Day.An magnificent story came out of the UK this morning.An 89 year old WWII veteran -- he was in the Royal Navy…
Published: Wed, 06/04/14
A couple days ago I talked about how my lab was not certified byAPI for barite testing or frac sand…
Published: Mon, 06/02/14
But then again, no other labs are "certified" by theAmerican Petroleum Institute (API) when it comes to frac sand,drilling grade barite, drilling…
Published: Thu, 05/29/14
Ok, it's not really NEW (1994 vintage) but it's new to us.I took the family out camping on Memorial Day weekend.We were camping in the "family…
Published: Thu, 05/22/14
When I lived in Hawaii, lots of people said "How'sit?" to ask how you were doing.Informality was a way of life there. Dress down, rela, and takeyour…
Published: Tue, 05/13/14
Wait, blue whales are endangered! Why would you want to eat thosebeautiful blue whales?Just making a point here. I'm not really eating whales (atleast…
Published: Fri, 05/09/14
Even when you are an A-list actor, sometimes there is a lot of"down time" between projects.Those are good times to develop a side hustle, or other…